Picture below shows the custom-built time-resolved reflectivity rapid thermal annealing (TRR-RTA) system. The system allows in-situ monitoring of dynamics during solid phase epitaxy regrowth (SPER) by optical interference.
The experimental apparatus employed for the TRR measurement of SPER rate is illustrated schematically in the sketch below.
The RTA system was pumped down to 10-2 Torr which preclude temperature overshoot while annealing. The temperature ramping rate was controlled by proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and monitored with an N-type thermocouple (temperature range: 0 to 1000℃) directly in contact with samples. The TRR signals of SPER are measured in situ by 532 nm CW laser and a low noise silicon detector. The beam reflected from the surface went through a 532nm band-pass filter to eliminate the IR or any other undesired wavelength which will influence the detected reflectivity. The TRR signals of fully annealed samples are also collected in every temperature which serves as reference signal. The detected analog voltage signal are converted to digital signal by ADDA card (model: NI PCI 6251) and recorded in computer for further analysis.
© 中央大學凝態物理實驗室 Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory, National Central University
320 桃園縣中壢市中大路300號 No.300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 32001, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
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